Monday, May 4, 2009

Dreams: House Inspector; Waitressing.

Last night I dreamt, first, that I was in my grandparents old place where I spent a lot of time growing up. I don't remember now who I was with, but we were preparing to recieve a house inspector. He was a wonderful person to deal with. He told me what was great, what needed slight adjustments, and what was going to have to be rebuilt. As he went along, I made the adjustments; sometimes I asked him to pause just a minute while I did so. Overall, the kitchen and living room were great - sparkling clean, well maintained, and well decorated. The 1st bedroom we came to, however, was a different story. I hadn't realized how bad it was, but the wallpaper was peeling, some walls were missing pieces of drywall, it smelled musty, and was in terrible disarray. Also, it was clear that there were cracks in the foundation. In some ways, it wasn't a surprise since the house was over 30 years old. The only message/feeling was 'wow, we have a lot of work to do, and it's going to take some time to do the renovations this place needs. We have a big job ahead of us.'
The second dream was this: I was with quite a group of waiters and waitresses in a large banquet hall setting tables and placing flowers. There was a special event/dinner that evening, and we were all busy with our assigned tasks. Then it was time, and people started coming in. My first table was a group of 10-12 homeless/very low income people. I was sitting with them as they read the menu. They ordered things that they would normally eat rather than things that were on the menu, but it took almost an hour! I was trying to be patient and helpful, but I felt like I wasn't doing my job well. However, no one was critizing me or asking me what was taking so long. It didn't seem like I was expected anywhere else, so I just waited for them to decide. I wanted to ask the manager if they could order what they did. A senior staff member came by and helped me, and fine meals were brought for the guests who had ordered, but had asked for egg McMuffins and fried oatmeal porridge.
I finished there, went out to gather up some dishes, and brought out some water and drinks. At one table, a lady asked for some kind of drink or dish that I wasn't familiar with. She repeated the name several times, and then said to forget it. I apologized, said this was my first night, and that I would find another server to help her. I went into the kitchen with an armful of dishes, and happened to bump into the head chef. He was an older man, very experienced, and very kind. Even though he was very busy he listened intently to my concerns. I asked him first about my large table, how dinner was almost over and one person still hadn't ordered/recieved their meal. I was afraid she would leave and speak badly about the evening. He said not to worry, he would whip up a chocolate frappicino with cream while she waited for her meal - people were always pleased and satisfied with those. While he was getting that together, I told him about the woman who I couldn't understand. I tried to pronounce what she said, and he said 'Oh yes' and got it ready for me to take to her.

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